I have always loved you. You are good-looking, you have a great personality and you always know the right thing to say.
Jury Statement:
In this joyous calliope of a book Missy Marston has
achieved that rare thing in a first novel: a literary romp and a riveting tale
that fights tough in the corners. Marston's characters stick with the reader
and her audacious turn of phrase wizardry lingers on the page. A book to engage
and delight, The Love Monster rewards the reader page after page with a flair
that dazzles just as much as it entertains. A modern fairy tale and a zoned out
fantasy in one satisfying confection.
I was thrilled that The Love Monster received the Ottawa Book Award for fiction on October 22, 2013. This is a beautiful city, full of great writers. I was honoured to be honoured.